Philippines: A Beautiful Country

Philippines is such a beautiful country. The picture-perfect sights all-over is truly awesome -- it makes you praise Him who made everything.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

New technology on liver cancer now in the Philippines

Getting sick, especially with terminal and rare diseases, can be draining -- in all aspects -- to the patient and the whole family especially when you know there is no available treatment yet in the Philippines. It's always a welcome news to know that medical treatments are slowly being made available here in the country, and at par with the treatments abroad. It can even be better considering the expertise and care of our local doctors. And a big plus, it saves you the cost implications of flying abroad.

Recently, The Medical City launched a revolutionary treatment for liver cancer patients called radioembolization. It's the first of the kind in the Philippines. Radioembolization has long been used abroad. See Inquirer story here.

I hope they will always pioneer the treatment for von Willebrand Disease in the country.

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Enchanted!

IT'S NOT CALLED CAPE ENGAÑO FOR NOTHING. This cove in Palaui Island of the now-getting-famous Santa Ana, Cagayan North, is truly enchanting. I'm pretty sure the Spaniards who first set foot on this little island before they built the once majestic Faro de Cabo Engaño in the late 1800's fell under the spell of this enchanted island. The same spell that binds every stranger who willingly takes on the beckoning of the hills -- that strong presence so enticing you can't refuse.

I've been to Cape Engaño twice this summer and I swear I'll be back. I love the waters -- so clear and so cool. There's nothing more refreshing than the ice-cold seawater under the heat of the sun. But the best and more rewarding part of it all is the awesome sight on top of Cape Engaño where the lighthouse sits like a princess waiting for her beloved. I will never get tired of going up over and over again. It is not a very easy way up, I should tell you. A steep 20-minute or so walk uphill some 95 meters above sea level, that is. But swear, I will gladly do it again and again. The sight on top is just breathtaking you cannot have enough of it in two or three climbs.

Midway through the climb, I sat on the green grass with my friend Sheila. We basked on the wonderful scenery. Everywhere you look, you will be awed. Truly, there can only be a Divine Designer who entricately planned for all the things around us. One who designed the mountains exactly the way they are, or the colors of the sea, or the coolness of the wind...

Once on top of the lighthouse, you get a good glimpse of the Babuyan group of islands. But right in front of the cape at the mouth of the Pacific Ocean are the mysterious twin islands called Dos Hermanas. Legend has it that these were two sisters desperately awaiting for the return of their lovers. Dos Hermanas are rock formations covered with greens. Fisherfolks say the best gamet, that green seaweed used for Nori, can be found in this twin islands. But beware, not a few lives have been taken as they tried to break the silence of these twin sisters.

The lighthouse itself, while now in ruins, has traces of it grand old days. One can imagine a little palace perched on a hill where Prince Charming visits his beloved.

We only stayed in the lighthouse for an hour at the most. After some picture taking, we all decided to descend and frolick in the cool clear blue waters. It was only a little past 9am but on top of the hill, the heat felt like mid-day. Thankfully, it was windy so we didn't really feel the scorching sun on the way down.

Again, I slowly went down to enjoy the view. My daughter Star was already long enjoying the waters by the time I reached the beach with a few other friends. We were quite a big group -- almost 30 in all. Some chose to sleep under the shade of the trees. The cool breeze of the sea could indeed lull you to sleep. Hmmm, what a life! Others explored the virgin forest of Palaui, following the narrow trail that leads to a small waterfalls.

As the "GRO" of the group (I have volunteered to help my friend Pinky and her husband Mayor Vic Rodriguez promote their town), I deliberately left out forest trekking in our itinerary. The forest can be scary. It gives you an eerrie feeling -- hearing those strange sounds of wild animals. But some media friends chose to go anyway.

Frolicking in the clear blue waters, away from the stressful life in the metro, was truly refreshing. But like anything else in the world, our time in the midst of the enchanted island had come to an end. By noontime, we all had to pack up and bid adeu. Happily, a lunch of fresh lobsters, crabs, shrimps and lapu-lapu awaited us back in the mainland. Of course, over lunch and in the days that followed, we never ran out of stories of the enchanting Cape Engaño.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Another Pinay makes it in global talent search!

Another Pinay may well be on her way to musical stardom. Galing talaga ng mga Pinay! (ehem.)

Mary Margaret Yu of Davao City won second place in the global talent search Voice of McDonald's 2008 where 3,600 plus McDonald's employees from 118 countries competed.

Two other Filipinos made it to the top 14 -- Canada-based Candido Revilles who placed third, and Yu’s best friend, Paulina Susan Bacarat.

Multi-platinum artist Ne-Yo led the panel of judges along with Sony/ATV Music Publishing co-president Jody Gerson, and Goldring, Hertz and Lichtenstein (LLP) senior partner Ken Hertz.

A powerful performance of Whitney Houston’s “I Have Nothing” became Yu’s passport to the big showdown, where she received a standing ovation. Aside from her repertoire of Whitney Houston hits, the Pinay music genius is also into R&B, jazz, and ballads.

Congratulations to Margaret, Candido and Paulina! The three of you surely make us all proud. Good news such as this offer relief from all the negative stories written about the country. May your tribe increase!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Luzon's last frontier

Can this be Luzon's last frontier? White sand stretches over a kilometer in one part of Palaui Island, one of the many islands of Santa Ana town in Cagayan North. Palaui Island is also home of the century old Cape Engaño lighthouse, one of the important lighthouses in the Pacific Ocean build during the Spanish era.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Manila Bay

It's cloudy, yet Manila Bay's sunset is undisputedly beautiful.

Quezon City

Believe it or not, I took this photo of a beautiful sunrise in Quezon City. This is how La Mesa Dam looks like on early mornings. Isn't it amazing?

Friday, December 30, 2005

Lagonoy, Camarines Sur

Lagonoy is one of the most remote towns in Camarines Sur. Probably one of the oldest settlement areas in the country (founded in 1600's), Lagonoy remains laid-back. Yet, it is beautiful and picture-perfect. Sadly, it was raining when we visited the town so we weren't able to see the waterfalls, the caves and the wonderful view of the ocean from a hill few kilometers away from the town.

Sta. Ana, Cagayan

This islet, really a rock formation, is called Manidad. It's just one of the many islands and islets in Sta. Ana, Cagayan. The farthest town up north in Luzon island, Sta. Ana is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen in the Philippines. Here you'll see different kinds of endangered species -- from whales, to deers and boars to birds. Really worth the 14-hour drive from Manila. (Or you can take an hour plane ride to Tuguegarao and travel 3 hours by land to Sta. Ana.)

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Aparri, Cagayan

Sunrise at Aparri is just awesome...I took this late November during our visit to Cagayan.


Another beautiful scene in Ilocos....


Beatiful Ilocos bay....I took this photo on our way home from Luna, Apayao.